About my album THE SHUFFLEZ

JOIN the movement and help me change music forever...


All of the songs on this Mini-Mix EP are inspired by my journey through Instagram, Facebook, and mostly TIKTOK. That's right! Ya'll inspired me so much through social media that I am dedicating almost every song this year to YOU!
Not the radio, not the club, and not just Spotify. This Album is meant to be heard in its entirety and won't be limited by the landscape of social media any longer.
How you ask?
Well I cant spill all the beans! You gotta buy the album and tell me what you think is game chaining about this album. If you love it, hate it, or feel indifferent? TELL ME! Post it, share it, and let your opinions be heard.
I may not pay attention to the negative ones, but if you happen to love this album and decide to post yourself listening and or dancing? You just entered yourself into a content to BE IN MY NEXT MUSIC VIDEO as a guest star. 
YUP! I am invited 3 VIP SHUFFLERS to be a part of my musical journey. :)
For anyone who doesn't win! Don't worry, we have gifts for you too! You will not only receive LIMITED EDITION FREE Merchandise, Downloads, and Content when the Album Drops. But! We also plan to reward you with Weekly Digital Content, such as Posters, Banners, and contests! With cash prizes available as well. 
Please join me on this amazing release and dance our way to the top of the charts! 